Ante Sepic - Personal blog

Server rendering emotion v10 in Nuxt

December 09, 2018

Just when I thought I had it figured out, emotion v10 comes out and breaks my server rendering…

A few more hours of debugging and I fond a solution (though it’s more hacky than the previous one).

We no longer need emotion-server package, instead, we want to npm install create-emotion-server --save. Then, in each Nuxt layout file, import the emotion cache like this: import { css, cache } from 'emotion'; (you can leave out css if you are not using it in the file). Here comes the hack part: global.emotionCache = cache; (add it somewhere below your import)


That’s right, we are using globals. We need to do this in order to later reference that cache inside the nuxt.config.js file. So let’s open that file now, and import the createEmotionServer helper

const createEmotionServer = require ('create-emotion-server').default;

We now just need to hook into a nuxt hook that will allows us to modify the HTML response from the server.

Here is what those might look like (added to the object you are exporting from your nuxt.config.js file):

    render: {
      route (url, result) {
        const { renderStylesToString } = createEmotionServer (global.emotionCache);
        const withCss = renderStylesToString (result.html);

        result.html = withCss;
    generate: {
      page (page) {
        const { renderStylesToString } = createEmotionServer (global.emotionCache);
        const withCss = renderStylesToString (page.html);

        page.html = withCss;

I am using two different hooks because I am statically exporting my website, and a render hook is not called with nuxt generate.

Aaand the server side rendering works properly again :) See you on the next update!

Ante SepicAnte Sepic

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